
Wednesday, April 18, 2007

4 Generations

This picture has been on this blog before. I have decided to recycle my old pictures. This time, not referring back to the original blog I might tell the story of this picture from a different perspective…, and there may be one or two who have not seen these pictures before plus, last but not least, get some more mileage out of my collection.

The older gentleman on the left is my great grandfather William A. Hunter (1842-1928). His name used to be William A. Trammell until he suddenly left Franklin, North Carolina, and changed his surname to Hunter. He fought in the Civil War and was shot in the knee at Kennesaw Mountain.

The next man is my uncle, my father’s brother Herbert Hunter (1901-1976). Herbert jointly owned the first airplane strip in Marietta (on Austell Road). By trade he was barber and owned Hunter’s Barber Shop on Church street in Marietta. His hobby was flying and fishing at Lake Allatoona.

Herbert is holding his son Ray Hunter (1923-1991), my first cousin. Ray fought in World War II and after the war went to work for a utility company in New Jersey, which he retired and moved back to Marietta.

The man on the right is Franklin Paris Hunter (1879 – 1950). Frank was the son of William on the left, father of Herbert, and grandfather to Ray and me. He was a machinist for Glover Machine Works. He had 9 children with his wife Minnie Tyson We lived with him the last two years of his life. He taught me to ride a bike. He also saved my life one time when I a spark from the fireplace ignited my pajamas - he quickly rolled me and threw something over me to cover squelch the flames. He was my buddy.


  1. Dang mang! I'm sure glad y'had yer buddy there for that one. If nothin' else, he probably saved ya some nasty scarring.

  2. Michael,
    I remember the back of my legs were covered with blisters.

  3. Anonymous1:38 AM

    You look a lot like William.

  4. Steve,
    I thought I look a lot like Ray.


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