
Sunday, February 11, 2007

Old Friendships Renewed

I Love My Blog

My blog is never spectacular. It has never won an award and won’t. It breaks all grammar rules, journalism rules, and every other rules it can get away with.

By most standards, it may not be such a good blog and might even be an eyesore to the discriminating viewer. But it is me (me batting my eyes).

However, it does something that is pure magic to me. It brings old companions boiling up to the surface. Old friends that I thought I would never see again came across my blog and we rekindled our friendship. That has happened at least five times that I can think off hand.

Yesterday an old friend that I have known since the first grade but haven’t seen him since our graduation from high school emailed me. He asked was I the Eddie Hunter that lived on Manget Street in Marietta. Yes and I asked…and was he the Walker G. that had a sister named Grace and lived on Waterman Street? Yes. He got a hold of my blog about Marietta and things got too familiar. We were good friends during grammar school then in high school we drifted our separate ways – I was attracted to the wild hell raising crowd and he was attracted to quiet studious crowd. Due to blogging our friendship as been renewed.



  1. Anonymous10:17 AM

    Awww, Eddie, that is great! I have made new friends thru blogging, the old ones and family don't seem much interested in it, except to lurk and see if I mention them, lol!

    And your blog is JUST FINE!!

  2. Anonymous12:48 PM

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  3. Carolyn,
    Well thank you.
    I had one old Navy friend pop up, 2 or 3 from high school, and a old co-MAD comic book fan that I used to communicate with years ago.
    Yeah, I have one friend that doesn't go near it and changes the subject if I mention it... go figure.

  4. Your blog is fine the way it is. Who cares if grammar is off sometimes when the good heart of the person shines through - and yours does!

  5. Judy,
    Thanks. I know it looks like I was wallowing in self-pity but that wasn't what I had in mind.
    I was just bragging because I nagged several old friends on my blog.

  6. Anonymous1:31 AM

    It also allows us to stalk you.

  7. Steve,
    Hey! That's not right! I suppose to be the stalker not the stalkee!

  8. One of the things I'm very grateful to Steve for is that I found your blog through him, Ed.

    Now worries though. Ohio's waaaay too far 'way for me to be considerin' stalkin' y'all.


  9. Anonymous9:08 PM

    Your blog is chock full o' good stories and keen social insight. No need to be so humble. You know you've got your fan base out here!

  10. Michael,
    It is me who is cut out to be a stalker. Nobody would ever see me.

    Out here? Wait, I'm "out here" too!

  11. Anonymous7:59 PM

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  12. Anonymous7:59 PM

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  13. Anonymous8:03 AM


  14. Anonymous8:04 AM

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  15. Anonymous9:26 AM


    this has changed my dogs AND my life - you must see!


    dog training that works!


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