
Wednesday, January 03, 2007

Here and There

I hope the TV close-ups of Republicans in grief does not sway any percentage points back that had just been changed because of Bush’s antics.

While watching the Ford family morn for the past few days it it is hard not to feel for them and pray for Gerald. They way the cameras TV cameras were in Betty and their children's face invading their privacy, just to give us a little reality TV, it made us feel for them as a family. He again brought this country together.... just when many of the people were scorning the Republicans for "what a fine mess they got us into" with GW scratching his head, then one up and dies and we hear news men and old friends tell what a wonderful guy Gerald Ford was, and how he was a non-pretentious kind of nitty-gritty guy, which I think he was.

BUT!!! His leadership as President was 30 years ago. Times have changed. GW is the man now.... which has just the opposite effect than Gerald Ford had.

Last night Law & Order, Criminal Intent, was very good. It showed several ethnic groups having to interact and deal with each group’s scowl – and the lack understanding each group had for the other groups. Tch tch. Most of the people in the various ethic groups had good intentions, but with their heritage and all, it was just hard to understand one another…. I think the story was told well.

And to do a little bragging (who me?), after all the visiting cast presented themselves I correctly picked out the killer (that's me polishing my fingernails with my breath and the cloth of the chest part of my shirt).


  1. I'm glad you picked out the killer, eddie. Maybe you should hire out to the FBI? LOL

    I feel the same way you do about Gerald Ford. He was a genuinely nice guy. I h ope no one confuses him with GWB.

  2. Judy,
    And I think his wife Betty was genuine also. Imagine, being the 1st lady and telling the world you have a chemical dependency problem?

  3. Yeah, I wasn't very comfy watching some of those closeups of the Fords. At the end of the day, they're just schmucks like the rest of us. Such personal moments should be kept private.

    BTW, Happy New Year Eddie!

  4. STY Button!
    I was worried about you, thinking you might have went home for the holidays and couldn't stand coming back to the rat race.

  5. Betty Ford is/was utterly amazing. To have been as outspoken as she was when her husband was president on so many controversial issus is incredible. ESPECIALLY in the times. I can't help but think she is annoyed that GW is hanging all over her.

  6. Suzanne,
    I think she probably is annoyed at GW, and has been long before her husban's death.


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