
Thursday, December 28, 2006

A Visit To The High Museum of Art

I must say, when the security guard came up to me as I was taking the above picture she was very polite when she asked me if I had a camera permit. She also looked as if she could be very polite and firm if she threw me and my camera off the 5th floor balcony for not cooperating with her. I cooperated.

Today we went to the High Art Museum in Atlanta. Man!!! Has that place changed since our last visit a year or two ago.

Several new buildings and a heap of art have been added.

Presently, and I think for the a year, they are displaying six to eight rooms of art on loan from the Louvre. Some of the art on displayed was created near 0 AD, give or take a few years. As one enters the louvre section you are given a little audio player gizmo. Many of the art pieces have a number beside them. You punch in that number and with your earphones attached to the gizmo it gives you a brief 101 type education on that particular art, maybe some about the artist, what certain things may represent, the history surrounding it, and so on. It was very interesting.

And if I understood it correctly, next year they will swap out with some more stuff from the Louvre which will keep interest in art generating – almost in a recycling fashion.


  1. You should come to Raleigh and see our current Monet exhibit, featuring Monet paintings on loan from all across the world. But hurry; it leaves soon.

  2. I do like that sculpture. It is very interesting.

  3. Suzanne,
    That statue is in the section named something like "Local Artists".


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