
Sunday, December 10, 2006

Commies In Comics

Here is a unique comic book. It is called RED MENACE. The story line takes place in 1953. It made a new story line out of headlines of yesteryear.

A Captain America type of superhero named The Eagle has been called in front of the House of UnAmerican Activities Committee (HAUC). Joseph McCarthy asks The Eagle has he ever been a member of the Communist Party?

And The Eagle said no. Then the Senator pulls out a picture of The Eagle and a Russian Super Hero socializing in a bar.

The Eagle proud fully admits he and the Russian super hero are friends and they fought the Nazi together in WWII and they each have saved each other’s life many a time.

The bottom line was that he and thee Russian super hero were friends. The Eagle was stripped of his American Super Hero – status, and that was his downfall.

HOWEVER!!! The comic was numbered “1 of 6”. There are 5 more issues for him to get out of it and off the Black List. I can almost promise you The Eagle will join forces with Edward R. Morrow in a future issue.

This numbering system is a new concept I noticed in comic books recently. The comics are numbered a certain number of a total: 3 of 5,; 1 of 4, etc. It is not like the old days when comic books went on until they just fizzled out.


  1. That sounds like an awesome comic book.

  2. Suzanne,
    The headlines of yesterday year are the writers.


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