
Saturday, December 23, 2006

Another Christmas Tradition

Here is another Christmas tradition I stumbled on yesterday that I didn’t know anything about.

Yesterday we went to Anna’s beauty shop for both of us to get a haircut. Because Anna is only one-handed she cannot cut my hair this time, so the guy that takes care of her hair took care of mine this time too.

The little old house with all paved parking around it instead of a loan looks small on the outside, but on the inside it looks much bigger.

There were a lot of finger foods and sweets and people just kept bringing more. I had a couple of spicy sausages that were pretty good, and a few home made sweets that were tasty as well.

I didn’t know they did that. We bought a dozen Krispie Kream Donuts to bring. Somebody put them with other foods yet to laid out. They had a system. I remember when I used to go to my uncle’s barber shop around Christmas time there would be nothing like that… maybe a verbal “Merry Christmas”… but that was pushing it.

This house of beauty caters mostly to the elderly it looks like. More than a few old women got around with walkers and canes. No sheik slim young women that wanted the certain cutesy curl dangle on their forehead or anything like that.

I noticed the main reading material there was The National Enquirer.

1 comment:

  1. Sausages and donuts? Fat city! I am glad I don't have that opportunity at my salon - cause I'm headed in the "too fat" direction now!

    Merry Christmas.


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