
Monday, November 20, 2006

Uncle Tom

This is my mother's oldest Tom. By these pictures I think he was something of a ham when there was a camera in front of him.

His wife MaryJo was a ham also. They loved to pose for photographs.

The internet and blogging was after his time. He died in 1979, but I thought I would do him a favor I'm sure he would appreciate: Plaster his posing face to all in the world who stumbles across it.

By the way, the line of brothers and my father Tom is the 3rd from the right (can't you tell by the pose?) and my father, who has always been shy in front of a camera is on the far right.


  1. Anonymous7:49 AM

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  2. He was quite photogenic! And apparently he and his wife were very playful - which is nice to see.

  3. Button,
    Tom and Mary Jo were a reclusive pair who rarely came around for family gatherings, but when they did they brought cameras and action.
    He was a carpenter and cabinet maker and they both were gospel singers. I'll have to write more about them someday... strange birds.

  4. Oh goody, I have gospel singers in my family too. They can make for some interesting stories! I'll have to tell you about my cousin who thinks she's Vestal Goodman.

  5. My Uncle Tom thought he was a con-man. He would move into a community, do a little slick talking, tell people he is a cabinet maker - carpenter and get some prepaid jobs fo redo their kitchen and then skip town.


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