
Friday, November 24, 2006

Progress by Leaps

With the below tin-type picture of Maude Wright Guffin (1895-1975) as a focal point of the rapidly progressing world we live in. Her image was processed on a little rectangle of tin, which was common in the late 1800s and early 1900s.
Her father was born in 1857 when photography was in its infant stages.
I mentioned we had just returned from Disney World when we attended her funeral. We rode the Monorail while in Disney World. Then the monorail system was big, silent, and swift. I was amazed. I rode the Monorail system several times in Jacksonville, Florida, this past summer and thought nothing of it.
Back to Maude and her funeral. Our oldest son Rocky was born about 6 weeks later. At that time the computer was in its infant stage. A personal computer in a home was not even a consideration.
Now look. It is generally accepted and expected that you do have a personal computer. Instead of people asking you do you have a computer so they can send you an email they ask you your email address assuming that of course you have a computer.
And the tin-type picture has been replaced by electrodes stored in digital format in our computers.
What is next? Never mind, it is beyond our imagination.


  1. Anonymous12:53 PM

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