
Monday, November 27, 2006

Post Thanksging & Pre Christmas

Today is Cyber Monday. Friday was Black Friday.

Friday a big percent of the retailers, the day after Thanksgiving, saw black for the first time this year, from people rushing to sales and to get their Christmas shopping behind them.

And today, some companies with large office staffs may fall into the red because of employees pretending to work at their computers, but are actually doing their Christmas shopping on the Internet.

I hope companies such as has a forgiving attitude when they catch an employee Internet shopping – if it wasn’t for people like them they might not be as successful as they are.

We had a quiet thanksgiving at my two sisters’ house (don’t think of the Bouvier Sisters). Also attending was my two sons Rocky and Adam, and Adam’s girlfriend Tiffany.

On Black Friday we did not help make Friday Black.. but helped our house turn into a lot or red, green, and some white, and whatever other colors as we put up our Christmas decorations and put up our new Christmas tree we bought last New Years Day on sale… it worked.

Saturday, we went to Thanksgiving Phase 2. Thelma, Anna’s sister-in-law had a belated Thanksgiving spread. Thelma’s husband, Anna’s brother, drowned in 1988. They had three daughters and two of the daughters became fruitful and multiplied so Thelma and Tommy’s family mushroomed into a fair size group.

Thelma’s nephew (her sister’s son) Donnie from Alabama was invited and came. Donnie was a quiet shy type of man. After we had eaten we gathered out on the front porch and Donnie entertained us all with his banjo. The weather was nice and the music was good. A day later I thought Donnie came from ‘Alabama with a banjo on his knee.” Why didn’t I think of that when we were all together? I can hear the spontaneous laugh in my mind now. Well, next year I am going to make sure to hint that Thelma have another after Thanksgiving Thanksgiving Dinner and invite Donny. Then I will spring that wise-crack. Timing is everything.

Yesterday we had an old friend over. Her husband died about a dozen years ago, now we swap dinner invitations, in a leap frog fashion. And, after a couple of hours of casual pleasant conversation she left and as soon as she backed out of the drive way and drove out of sight we sprung into action… quickly got in the car and did some Christmas shopping ourselves… Help make Sunday blacker.

Sometime yesterday while our dinner guest was here my left foot began to hurt. I think it may have been hurting before then, maybe even up to two days earlier, but yesterday it became a pronounced pain, enough to make me limp with pain. And it seemed to get rush as the day went on. The pain in below my outward ankle on my left foot. It hurts more to put my weight on my heel than the front pad.

The only thing I can figure is when I brought up the big heavy box that had the new 7’ tree (with lights) I may have strained my foot on the steps trying to lift if from step to step. But I am not positive how it came to be. I just know it hurts. But it does seem better today. Anna put a pain relieve pad, sort of like a stickum. I plan to take it easy today.

If you are reading this at your desk at work, Happy Cyber Monday!

1 comment:

  1. I am also badly into online shopping. Its one of my favorite pastimes, specially during Christmas. It was great reading your blog. Its always nice getting to know how others celebrate Thanksgiving.
    Peep into this amazing Holiday Blog for some unique and interesting gift ideas.


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