
Saturday, October 14, 2006

The Rock and Its Mysteries

A few entries back was a picture of my Dad with his courting clothes on and another guy with a big rock behind them. I mentioned that it could be the big rock where my mother's family lived.

The above is that rock. My grandmother Frances Viola Ridley Petty (1885-1968) and her youngest child Sarah Petty McLemore (1927-1999) is standing there with their rock as a backdrop.

Interesting, this rock covers an entrance to a cave. Before the rock covered the entrance a spring came bubbling out. And in the first room of the cave were Indian artfacts.

But Indian artifacts were of no use to my grandfather like money would be. He sold the rock on the side of the hill to the Georgia Highway Department and they blasted the hill to loosen up the rock - thus the big rock fell and sealed the entrance to the Indian lore. Hopefully, somebody will rediscover it someday.

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