
Friday, September 22, 2006

Counting Your Visitors

I got a counter last week for this blog. I was surprised by the number of people that visit daily.

I get very few comments I thought the number of hits would just be a couple of digits more than number the visitor comments made. I was surprised t learn it is much more.

I specify comments made by visitors, because usually half of the number of comments shown is made by me. If there are four comments, usually I rebounded two of those comments. I just can’t my mouth shut – or in this case, keep the keyboard down.

Of course, I know some are just passing through. Sometimes if I have a couple of minutes to kill I will hit the “next blog” button and do that for several hits… so, with me just passing through, if a person has a counter I’m sure I registered as a visitor, only if I stuck around only a split second, just long enough to see it was about Barbee Dolls or something.

I don’t know, but I think when you put a fresh entry up, it is placed in a newly submitted line-up and people that use the “next blog” button stands a good chance of coming across your blog.

Then, there are some who search for a word, name, or phrase. I think I have magnetized some that way… once they get to my sight and see that I am all hot air they probably move on.

It is nice to know that I do have more visitors than I thought, even if they are silent visitors.


  1. Undoubtedly, there are silent visitors that visit your blog at least a few times a week, if not daily. You have a wonderful way of spinning a yarn. And your topics are always things that everyone can relate to. So it doesn't surprise me that your numbers are so good.

    I know I visit sometimes just to see what Bob is doing.


  2. The best is some of the bizzare searches that find you. I know i often get people who have searched for "the worst pain in the world" but the most worrying was "torture my testicles". I did have both words in my blog but not together. It just worries me that there are people out there whoe would google that, i mean why?

  3. Button,
    Thank you.
    I probably have 10 or so blogs I visit each day and I never left a comment so they never know that I came and went.

  4. Gerbil,
    I have a limited brain. It has only a few subjects that it dwells on... so, I don't mention too many things that may be a magnet for a search engine. The wedding day is getting close isn't it?

  5. Glad to hear that you get the readers you deserve. Like Button, I think your stories are great.

  6. Anonymous1:59 AM

    Part of the fun for me is the counter on my blog. Once you have blabbed enough the googling gets really thick.

    I always try to answer back comments. Its more personal that way.

  7. Suzanne,
    Thank you.

  8. Steve,
    I agree. It makes it more personable. It puts it more on a one on one kind of living room chit-chat, which I feel more at ease wtih, and I hope the person at that moment feels the same.


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