
Friday, June 02, 2006

Winding Down the Week

Anna has been off all week. We have used this week to catch up on some things. We painted the door and window frames. We saw a few movies. Anna cleaned out her closet - I don't even know where to start in my closet, I don't want to straighten it out, even if I discard some of the old stuff, I have a feeling it will not hold everything I put back. I'm happy the way it is.

Last week we called Bell South pitching a fit about our DSL service. A very calm Eastern Indian told us they were going to send us a new modem and when we installed it be sure to call his department, it would be utmost import for us to talk to them so they could hand walk us through the configuration.

The new modem arrived Tuesday or Wednesday and I put it out of my mind. I keep remembering last time I was mad and talked to an Eastern Indian on BS's help desk I think I might had said something rude and the next thing I knew he directed me to press a button which made all the settings and configurations to be deleted. That was a redneck's equal of spitting in a rude customer's hamburger.

It took several calls to get in touch with someone to walk us through and reconfigure that time.

So, now, essentially, we had the same problem. It seems about every 30 minutes to an hour our DSL system shuts down as if the take an official 10 minute break.

For a couple of days I have been walking by that DSL box dreading to open it. I had a feeling it would be the same as opening Pandora's Box.

Yesterday evening we decided to take the chance and open it. The new modem wasn't new. It was refurbished. It came with a CD to install. We hooked it up, and installed the CD. And then we tried it and it worked great is continuing to work great (Pardon me while I find a piece of wood to knock on - ah, my head).

Anna said she was still worried, because they emphasized to call them. I felt we should let sleeping dogs lie. She called them and they had her run a test for the speed and told her how, anytime we wanted we could check on the speed.

She did all this on her computer. After our sons moved out we transformed their bedrooms into each of us an office with a computer. And we have a wireless connection between the computers. She telecommutes sometimes, and she works probably a few hours of her job work at home every week. And I piddle in genealogy all day off and on... if we shared the same computer we might be slightly disgruntled.

I don't care about the speed. I would not know if it is running at 5 or 6 whatever, if I did know that would be all I know. I just want it to run like it is supposed to and be dependable.

I'm not sure we gained anything by calling them. Well, we didn't lose anything calling them either.

Today we straighten out the basement.

And Sunday we are driving to Blairsville, Ga. and taking my older sister along. We are going to the annual "Descendent's of John Hunter Reunion". I haven't been to one in ten or fifteen years. I always find it enjoyable to rub elbows with my distant cousins and usually get to know a few more. Not to mention those great food items lined up on the food table, that is worth the trip.

John Hunter (1775-1848), my ggg grandfather, moved to Union County (near Blairsville), Ga., in about 1835 from Buncombe County, NC. He was a whiskey maker in Buncombe County and when the State of North Carolina started taxing whiskey makers he moved to Georgia, near the foot of Brasstown Bald, which is the highest point in Georgia. Many of his descendents still live in the area. There are always several family historians who show up for these events, so I usually learn more about the heritage of my Hunter family - and of course, there is always the food.


  1. Why has it been 10 or 15 years since you've gone? It sounds like one of those things that you would enjoy going to more frequently, so I am a bit surprised.

  2. Suzanne,
    That is a good question. It seems that would be something I would wallow in.... all that food (joking).
    I think the one word answer would be Destiny.
    They used to meet the first Sunday in August, which conflicted with Anna's mother's one-time-a-year Methodist Campground Meeting which she is getting up in years, so we carried her.
    Then, they moved the Hunter Reunion near Blairsville to the first Sunday in June, the same as our local Hunter is held. And my mother-in-law no longer goes to the Methodsit Camp Ground meeting. This year there will be no local Marietta Hunter Reunion because last month a cousin was married and their reception served as the local Hunter gget-together for the year.
    There are over a hundred of us now, all wearing my grandfather's genes.
    I communicate with three distant cousins near Blairsville, and they keep me updated, plus I subscribe to the two weekly newspaers of the Blairsville area, so I probably catch 90% of the happenings up there... but I still would like to mix, mingle, and talk to some of my distant cousin.
    Wow, that is a long excuse why I haven't been lately isn't it?

  3. Suzanne,
    That is a good question. It seems that would be something I would wallow in.... all that food (joking).
    I think the one word answer would be Destiny.
    They used to meet the first Sunday in August, which conflicted with Anna's mother's one-time-a-year Methodist Campground Meeting which she is getting up in years, so we carried her.
    Then, they moved the Hunter Reunion near Blairsville to the first Sunday in June, the same as our local Hunter is held. And my mother-in-law no longer goes to the Methodsit Camp Ground meeting. This year there will be no local Marietta Hunter Reunion because last month a cousin was married and their reception served as the local Hunter gget-together for the year.
    There are over a hundred of us now, all wearing my grandfather's genes.
    I communicate with three distant cousins near Blairsville, and they keep me updated, plus I subscribe to the two weekly newspaers of the Blairsville area, so I probably catch 90% of the happenings up there... but I still would like to mix, mingle, and talk to some of my distant cousin.
    Wow, that is a long excuse why I haven't been lately isn't it?

  4. Oh, well, the food is always the most important, isn't it? LOL
    Have a good time.

  5. Judy,
    It is most important to get at the front of the food line, then if you have time visit.


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