
Thursday, June 15, 2006

Will Eisner's Spirit vs John Law comics

Do you remember a daily comic strip named "The Spirit" in the early 40's? The Spirit was a detective believed to be dead, so he stayed more or less in the shadows privately fighting crime. He wore a suit but he also wore a mask, like any good super hero. The Sprit took a break for a few years while his creator, Will Eisner went into the Army, but continued through part of the '50s, and then Will Eisner diverted his attention to other characters but The Spirit continued to fight crime under the artistic supervision of somebody else.

The Spirit, back then reminded me much of the Peter Gunn series... very jazzy and loaded with off-the-beaten-path art.

Early this year Will Eisner died. And today when I visited my favorite comic book shop, Dr. No's, I see Will Eisner works has been reactivated.

Now it is done by artist Gary Charloner. The one I bought today one No 1, of 4, so he plans to be around for at least 4 issues.

I haven't read it yet but just flipping through the pages The Spirit seemed to keep his style but not his name. His name now is John Law. But there are still jazzy mysterious slinky women and dark shadows. Also, in The Spirit he had a sort of comical side kick, a little street-wise black shoeshine boy named Ebony (if I remember correctly). Now, there the side kick is a little homeless white kid, named Nubbin who is also a shoeshine boy and probably also street-wise. Do I smell politically-correctness?


  1. Anonymous3:54 AM

    The dumbest disguise was Superman, who jus took off his hornrims and a little piece of hair hanging down. Note: E-mail checked and answered.

  2. Batman. Same from nose down, just his hair and cheeks are covered.
    Zorro. Same pencil thin mustache.
    And why did Plastic Man wear a mask since he didn't have a human-ego side?


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