
Thursday, June 01, 2006


We watched the dvd TransAmerica last night.

I thought it was good. Like many road movies, it was a movie going from New York City to L.A. Sometimes, they make it road movies differently, for instance, from L.A. to New York City.

It is about the father finding out he had a teenage son, which he didn't know existed. The son was everything parents don't want their children to become when they become teenagers: druggie, whore, and liar.

But on the other hand the teenage boy's new father was everything a teenager son would not want his father to be, namely a transsexual.

At the end of their destination he was to have a sex change operation and after that he would be a she.

So, what would he be to his new teenage son? Daddy or Mommy?

It is not the sex change that is the story, but the road trip and their revelations on the trip developed from the people they encounter and themselves.


  1. But did you LIKE the movie??

  2. It was done well.
    Did I like it?
    Tnere are plenty of things that I think are done well that I don't fully appreciate.
    So, there are movies that I enjoyed more, such as a good Clint Eastwood Dirty Harry movie or Good, Bad, & Ugly movie, but that doesn't make it a bad movie.
    That's many words saying, "I haven't thought about liking it or disliking it."


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