
Sunday, June 25, 2006

Fouts Cemetery

As far back as we can check so far Rays and Fouts have intermarried. The earliet Ray we know of is John Ray. His mother was Rebekkah Fouts. We don't know who his father was, excpet his last name was Ray.

Each generation of Rays and Fouts the children have intermarried, marrying their cousins, all in the same community. There are some, but few first cousin marriages, but many 2nd and 3rd cousin marrying.

This is the Fouts Cemtery high on a high hill overlooking the community. The cemetery is well kept and it was interesting to see a huge cross, lined with light bulds, on the top of the hill.

While I was at the Fouts Cemetery a low flying single engine plane flew over me several times, like checking me out. They little dirt road before I turned onto the Fouts Cemetery graveled road was named "Old Still Road". That plane might have had an interest in the area.

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