
Friday, June 30, 2006

Busy Day

We had a busy day today of gallivanting. It was the first day of a week and one day off for Anna. She made a long “to-do” list so we started crossing off things today.

We shopped for various things we are in the market for, like new cell phones and blinds.

We also went by Anna’s chiropractor, which was not on the list, but her back hurt anyway.

Then we ate dinner on the Square at an outside table – there was a nice breeze, and everything else seemed pleasant, even the homeless that would sniff that food from the downside of the breeze seemed pleasant and not spikeful feeling.

Then we went to a outside concert at the park in the Square. It was sort of a southern rock and blues band. They were pretty good. They played all the old southern favorites like “Long Tall Sally”, and others, like “Papa Was A Rolling Stone, Wherever he put his hat was him home… la”, whatever. It was enjoyable, just very crowded.

Of course it being crowded is a thumbs down, but there is an upside - the enjoyment of watching people and not be involved. Like watching old farts contorting their bodies to the beat of "Proud Mary" until their bodies become a raging primal machine of muscles, flab, and nerves jerking. Watching little innocent kids amazed by their surronding is always a treat - I guess we notice it more now as people old enough to be grandparents.

This band reminded me of something I taped on PB the other night and have been watching bits and pieces of – it is something mostly about Bob Dylan and his musing about his complete musical career, and blended into his career was Joan Baez, Maurine Mauldair, Pete Seegar, and more….. I am enjoying watching it, and me watching it in small excerpts works fine, due to my short attention span.

Well,I got to get to bed. Early in the morning I want to be at Free-Flite Bikes, where I bought my Trek Bike. They are giving a free class called something like “Making adjustments on your new bike 101 Class”. And it free for people who bought new bikes from their store. I grab anything free.

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