
Monday, June 05, 2006

7100 Trek Bike

I went out and bought a Trek 7100 Bike. I have been looking at them for some time. A week or two ago I test rode one at our local bike store. It has a much more enjoyable ride than my old Huffy. It cost several times more than I paid for the Huffy so it should have a better ride.

If you are asking yourself, "Isn't that what Lance Armstrong rides- a Trek?" Well, yes it is. I'm sure Lance's Trek is one of those bikes that costs up in the thousands. Of course, just because I bought a Trek doesn't mean I am in the same league as Lance Armstrong. I doubt if you will see any photos of Lance Armstrong and I riding side by side, kidding each other and squirting each other with our water bottles.

When I got it home I took it on a spin to the grammar school and back, a 2.5 round trip. I actually peddled up steep hill two blocks away from here. The hill is 2 blocks long and up to this point all I could do is get about 10% up and then I would have to hop off and push. I put it in a low gear and just shot right up the hill.

Buying a bike from a dealer is almost like burying a new car. When you think you have came to a price agreement they will say, "Oh, by the way, did you want the package that has a kick-stand and a water bottle holder?" Duh! It was already on the bikes - does that mean they would take it off if I didn't want it - and if so, would they charge me labor for taking it off? I also bought and had them install an odometer to keep up with my trip distance, speed, and average speed.

And in 30 days I carry it back for them to make adjustments to my likings. And the first Saturday of every month they have a free clinic to show new buyers how to do minor maintenance and repair to their bikes. One time we bought a new Saturn and they did that too, a how-to clinic, and they served popcorn too.

If my mother was alive today, she would say, "You must think you are shitting in high cotton.", whatever that means.


  1. Anonymous5:40 PM

    Congrats, dont know why more people dont exercise...

  2. If I am loose about my schedule I can never find a slot to exercise, but when I pretty much stay on course, everything falls into place, including exerecise.

  3. It sounds like a fun ride! I hope that you get much use and enjoyment from it.

  4. Suzanne,
    Well, I would have to live as old as Dora to get the worth out of it, but I'll take what I can get.

  5. If you use it and enjoy it, then it is worth it. That's what my husband says, anyway.

  6. Suzanne,
    I peddled to the Post Office this morning to get our mail from our PO Box.
    I had to put some thought into just how was I going to bring the mail back home with both hands on the handle bars. I finally dug out an old satchel looking thing my son used to have.
    I jokingly told my neighbor I was going to get me one of those pink straw baskets and put in the front of the handle bars.
    Compared to what I did have, it drove like a Caddy.


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