
Saturday, April 15, 2006

The Missing Link

Well, not exactly missing, but a link anyway. And it did make a good subject intro.

The mature mother in this picture is Frances Tyson (1844-1927) beside her is her husband James Kuykendall.
They are Anna's ancestors. Beside them could be a possibility combination of two of her ten children, or one of her children and one son-in-law or daughter-in-law. It looks like the young female may be "in a family way".

Getting back to Frances Tyson Kuykendall: We already said she is Anna's progenitor. Frances grandparents were Eugene Haraves/Job Tyson (1798-1868) and Frances Eliza Portress Herring Tyson (1799-1878), which were not only Anna's ancestors, but also mine.

I had an earlier entry about Eugene Hargraves Tyson and his sister Winston who was near-by when the Cotton Gin was invented.

Because of common ancestors that makes Anna and I 3rd cousins, once removed.

We didn't know this until I got reserching my family tree and Anna's mother was searching Anna's father's family tree, and we bumped heads.


  1. Good thing you are not more closely related....LOL

    I like all the photos below. Always fun to find an unknown relative.

  2. Judy,
    It is fun and interesting to come across old photos of relatives and to try and fiugre out who's who.


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