
Tuesday, August 09, 2022

Humping With Dino

I worked three years at Sinclair Refining Company warehouse. The warehouse, other than being a warehouse was the hangout for Sinclair representatives. I think there were about ten young representatives, all college graduates, mostly UGA graduates. They helped, with their dazzling personalities, when a service station needed or special attention. Like I said they were young, like 25 or younger. Except one named Don. Don was not as young. He was probably a salary step above the other representatives. He was always in a good mood and gave a good hardy laugh to pronounce his appreciation of whomever he was dealing with. I think he was in the real estate end of it. He also appeared religious in a soft spoken sort of way. He and I had enjoyable talks on the current news and all. When I got an apartment nearby, he was very interested and wanted to see it. It was in the Bolton Apartments on Marietta Blvd. He thought it was nice. Then about a week later he popped the big question: Did I mind if he and his girlfriend use my apartment from time to time on her lunch hour.. He said they would clean up each time before they left. I did not like that. I did not like that because he was married, happily, I thought, with two young daughters. I think they met two or three times and then things fizzled. And apparently they broke up.

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