
Saturday, July 16, 2022

Statistics are a Valuable Tool

Yesterday evening we got an email from a vague delivering service that they could not deliver our package because the address was hard to read. And they supplied a link for us to supply them with the correct address. We did have a package in route to us from Amazon. However, we also got a email saying our package would be delivered before 10pm. So, how come they write again saying they can’t read the address? We get a lot of stuff from Amazon. Our address has never been a problem. We figured it was a scam of some kind and ignored the request. Which got me thinking, they were just stabbing in the dark with good odds they would randomly get in touch with somebody expecting a package. It seems I cannot drive over two blocks without seeing an Amazon truck or van or some other delivering service on the road delivering stuff. I bet the thieves know the exact odds of how many people are expecting packages at any moment. Maybe the organized crooks even hire marketing experts to calculate when and how much can they rob people of stuff. But why would a marketing expert or a statistician work for a bunch of crooks instead of making more money working in a legitimate outfit? Or maybe the question is why would a statistician work for a legitimate company when they can make more money in an illegitimate outfit? PS We received our package safely and well packed package with no thugs jumping out saying “This is a hold-up!”

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