
Monday, December 13, 2021

By Gosh! By Golly!

Tonight on the radio I heard the song, "IT'S ALMOST TIME FOR MISTLETOE AND HOLLY." Before they got the "By Gosh, By Golly" out I thought of my old friend Larry. I always think of him when I hear that song. Back in the '50's Larry used to love to drive aimlessly around all over Cobb County with us in the car talking and bickering. Larry is a quiet sort of person. While we talked Larry would tilt his head against the door window and hum and sing lowly the MISTLE TOE AND HOLLY Song. It was all times of the year, from the heat of July to slippery icy January. By Gosh, by Golly! Also that song brings back the memory of shooting down mistletoe greenery which attach themselves high up in the trees. Other than climbing up high we shot them down. If I rememger correctly, shotguns were used. Now, thinking about it over 70 years later it seems to me the buckshock fired from a shotgun would tear the greenary to pieces. But what do I know?

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