
Sunday, February 28, 2021

Flushing Another Memory


Flushing Another Memory

People that made an impression on me and it is highly unlikely I will see them again I like to put in print My memory isn't what it used to be, so I grab it when I can. .  This guy, I have already forgot his name. 

So I will call him “He” and maybe “Him” at times.  And “His” also.

 He was transferred to HU-4, our Navy Helicopter Squadron in the Spring of 1965,  from Guantanamo Bay on the Cuban shore.  He was tall, lanky, and had a boyish face.  He resented authority and didn’t mind speaking his mind or causing a little mischievous.

He was from South Carolina.

He  was  a 2nd class petty office. He was assigned head of the enlisted men barracks in charge of maintenance and cleaning with a small staff under him.

We got to know him well drinking with him at the EM Club.  He had a lot of true funny stories to tell.

Drinking alcoholic beverages was a no-no in the barracks.  He taught us how to cool warm beer by spraying it with the barracks fire extinguisher.  Some people enjoyed smoking joints  in the barracks - That went on too under his watchful eyes.

One of his interesting and funny stories was when he was stationed at Guantanamo Bay all the enlisted men received in the mail an advertisement brochure advertising  Aqulators.  He kept his brochure for laughs.  The Aqualator  looked like a little toy submarine.   In one end was a little short hose you hook to the water source in the sink, and well, attach the other end to, well, to your manhood.  The ad claimed it enlarged penises.  And their was a caution warning prolonged use would cause ejaculation.  

I’m not sure the ad was advertising  the warning or warning about the warning, considering the ads were going to a Naval base where no mingling with the locals were allowed - a machine might come in handy, I said, "handy", if you get mu drift.

Should I change the title to Aqualator the Masturbator?

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