
Saturday, December 19, 2020

Naval Killing Story


This is a true story with shooting and killing that involved me when I was in the Navy.  A Naval War story?  You be the judge.


I forgot where I had been.  I walked into our I & E Office and sat down at my desk.  Co-worker Don, Reenlistment CPO French were at our division officer Lt Chet’s desk and were deep conversation.  They appeared not to have noticed me.

Then Chet addressed me:  “Eddie, would you reach into that cabinet behind you and get me the book on (whateve)?

I did just as Lt Chet said.  I hoped out of my set, opened the cabinet and saw the book he asked for about nose level.  Us four made up the I & E Office.  I & E stood for Information and Education.  We gave tests, see that men got the right study materials for tests for advancements, and so on.

Before I could get the book I had to move an object in front of the book.  So, with no ado I moved the object to the side and slid the book out of its place on the shelf and carried it over to Chet’s desk and flopped the book in front of him.

Don, French, and Chet broke out in a cackle.  They were laughing out loud. 

“What was that you had to move to get the book?”

“Huh?  I didn’t notice…?

I turned around to look to see what I had to move:  A big wild turkey, shot dead.

French was off that day and went hunting and killed a wild turkey.  He brought it by the office to show it off.  I think he might have shot out in the wooded part of base just off the runway.

I have no idea why I did not notice a big dead fowl that had no business being there. 


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