
Thursday, November 12, 2020

Bloodbah or Catsup Bath?


Yesterday evening we went to Jim & Nick’s BBQ to take advantage of their Veteran’s Day Special, all Veteran’s eat free (with limits). Well, I’m a Veteran.
We got takeout and brought it home to eat.
The barbecue pork sandwich and fries had a little plastic catsup tube and one free drink.
I like catsup on my fries so I took the little plastic tube and tried to break it open at a seam. It didn’t work. I read the directions to say something like “Squeeze the tube until it works.”
I squeezed the tube and it resisted. Then, I took both hands and squeezed until both my hands and face were red.
I heard the catsup tube make a spirting noise and saw a red line fly across the dining room. The catsup made a red line across the dining room table, onto my ipad, and skidded, leaving puddles across the carpet, splattering on the door frame and heating remote.
After Anna cleaned it all up and we were about to sit down to eat, she looked up and saw red catsup splatters also on the ceiling. This time I got the ladder to clean more.
For a few minutes it looked like we had a blood bath celebrating Veterans Day.

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