
Saturday, August 08, 2020

Annie Kendricks RIP


I saw a lady on TV this evening that reminded me of Annie Kendricks. I think there is a star or singer by the same name but this Annie Kendricks worked at the Atlanta Post Office when I worked there. I was a time keeper and she was a mail processing supervisor. Annie was a burst of smiles and friendliness. But she did not tolerate tardiness. One time I knew she was going to suspend. A guy for a week for being late a lot. After she presented the guy with the letter he yanked it out of her hand and stormed off. She hollered behind him, “AND HAVE A NICE DAY!!” I asked Annie, “Do you mean you suspend somebody for a week and tell him to have a nice day?” She saw no conflict, she truly wished him a nice day. After that we kidded each other scorning each other with a hateful glare and saying, “Have a nice day!” She died within a few months after that.

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