
Sunday, March 15, 2020

Life Style Changes With Viurs

(art from MAD Magazine by Jack Davis

Coronavirus effecting behavior

This morning Krogers looked like a herd of wild animals hit it.  I don’t think there was a roll of toilet paper for sale left.  I did not check the bathroom stalls.  A lot of the food shelves were also empty with some clerks busy restocking.  I think I got one of the last few cartons of milk..  The orange juice shelves were empty but they apparently did not think of the frozen kind. 

I saw one lady with a face mask interrupted a druggist talking to a customer to ask if her face mask was on correctly.  Later I noticed the same lady was not wearing rubber gloves but did have some germ-killing wet-ones with her that she kept cleaning her hands with when she interacted with the products she was considering.
Speaking of rubber gloves, we wore them while in Krogers, and I was surprised to see we were almost the only customers that wore them.  I did see at least one, maybe two wearing them.   About half the employees were wearing rubber gloves.

I think most importantly, stay way from crowds.  Don’t get close to people, give them their space.

The authorities of the Coronavirus virus are warning people in our age-group are more prone to catch it.  So, at least wear gloves.

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