
Wednesday, January 01, 2020

Ham and Hambones

Today, cooking our blackeyed peas we threw a hambonet into the pot for extra flavor.

The hambone looked big and bold with ham clinging to it.

It reminded me of our late friend Brigitte who could do wonders with a hambone. She got so good she would go to the Honey Baked Ham store and just bought the hambone and made delicious dishes.

The big hams that the hambones supported reminds me of the Dog Patch Ham. The Dog Patch Hams were natives of Dogpatch (created by Al Capp) and were family members of Dogpatch citizens having a higher status in the family than the family dog.

The Dog Patch Hams got the Dog Patch families through famine time. Their gift was they just kept producing ham that its family members could help themselves too.

Li'l Abner and Daisy Mae took their Dog Patch to New York City for their honey moon. I forgot if a crook shot it or a mean bell hop at a cheap hotel shot it, but the whole story line was that Li'l Abner dropped everything and full attention to the ham. Of course all ended favoring the young newly married Yokums.


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