
Wednesday, March 13, 2019

Preach Dirty To Me Ms Preacher

Yesterday on Facebook  I told about a female minister that told the children of her congregation she was giving up cursing.   I suggested to the person that told me about it that maybe she was joking.  The person instantly wrote back saying she wasn’t joking.  She has a reputation of living a wild life in her youth and still lets the curse words fly.

Their church has a low sermon attendance.  Anything over 50 is good.  Maybe beyond good.

I am always intrigued by any woman who flings around curse words around people they don’t know very well.  Maybe intrigued is the wrong word.  Maybe “interesting” is a better word.

I guess it is just a little dab of spice added to life.

But, me, not a church-goer, would go out of way,  to hear a woman preacher that laces curse words in her sermon.

Maybe to build their attendance she should put on their outside message board something like,

 “Come inside and hear our ladyk preacher preach the gospel; translated into cussing”.
to Me
I bet there would be standing room only.

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