
Wednesday, January 09, 2019

All Day Funeral

A friend told me she attended an all-day funeral the other day.  I think I have been to funerals that lasted several hours, but that included visitation before and a long trip to a burial place miles and miles away.  This funeral was planned to cover the deceased funny moments.  I guess laughter made the time go quicker. I don't suppose it matters that you are laughing at the decease's expense and he/she is not laughing with you.

An all day funeral?  That is a lot to ask for people to sit all day in a pew.  What about going to the bathroom ever couple of hours?  What about food?  Some people, like diabetics might need some kind of nourishment every few hours.  Will there be a lunch break?  I know a person that insists on taking a nap every afternoon.  I suppose that person could sit in a pew and sleep, just nodding a little, it won’t be the first time someone sat in a pew and slept.

What may be the most difficult for everyone at the all day funeral to do is keep their hands and eyes off their smart phones.

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