
Thursday, July 19, 2018

Therapeutic Horses Stables

For a while, weeks and maybe months, I have been watching the gradual materialization of a horse stable one plank at a time while driving up and down Blackwell Road.  

First there were horses with horse fences and guide fences.  Then a building began to form.

Last week when it looked like it might be finished I pulled into the church parking lot across the street and walked over and took some pictures.  

A sign plainly said “No Trespassing” and I don’t won’t to try to outrun buckshot again, therefore, I stayed on the sidewalk while I took pictures.

I was standing there clicking away, a motorcycle pulled up on the sidewalk and a young man got off and walked over.  He introduced himself at Jeremy. 

Jeremy and two others built the stable for someone else.  They are finishing up now.  He owns a company that builds stables all over Georgia.  He told me after they finish this up they have two stables to build in Lafayette, Georgia.  We talked about how Georgians pronounce Lafayette, different said other people.  Jeremy is 41. 

He invited me down to look inside but I had someplace to be already.  

 He is  easy going and intelligent, and apparently a good builder.
He said the horses there are trained therapy horses.   He said for a lot of people riding a horse is good therapy.
So is petting a dog.

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