
Tuesday, July 31, 2018

Broken Promise

Trump made a campaign promise to build a wall separating Mexico and the United States to keep out illegal immigrants and make Mexico pay for it.

Mexico said they are not going to pay for it.

Apparently Trump thinks  as long as the wall is built, regardless even if we have to pay for it, he is keeping his campaign promise  And he threatens to shut down the government if he doesn’t get his way. 

Tch tch.  It would still be a broken promise.

Donald should have given some thought before making such an impossible promise.

But he didn't.

I think I know how he can get out of it.  Just make an announcement he made no such promise, it was all made up by the fake news organizations.  And his base support and on-the-bandwagon Republicans would not think of questioning if he was telling the truth or not.  If it comes from his lips it is true - just ask him.

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