
Saturday, March 04, 2017

Recycling Old Pictures: Linda and Joe in Toronto

Recycling Old Pictures.  Above: These are our friends Linda and Joe up in a tree in a park in Toronto.  During the early 70s they moved to Canada.  It is not what you think.  Well, it is about what you are thinking, but not exactly what you think.  Joe had already served in the Navy before they were married. 
After they got settled we went to visit them.  On our drive up we first spent the night at Niagara Falls, then on up the road Toronto. 
We were there during our Columbus Day which was Canada's Thanksgiving.
They lived in a high rise apartment building.  The view for their window was breathtaking.  They gave us a great tour of the city with a lot of time at public parks and museums (mostly free).  At the science museum I saw a new thing called a laser light burn a hole through a steel bar.
That was the last time we saw them.
On the drive back I remember hearing on the news that Vice President Spiro Agnew had resigned, which was Oct 10, 1973.

Below:  Left to right:  Me and Joe up in the same tree.

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