
Saturday, January 07, 2017

Our Visit to Philadelphia

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The 45th Presidential Inauguration is almost here.  Now we are hearing a lot about protocol, tradition, and the Constitution of the United states. 

It reminds of 1988 when we bought a mini-van.  We wanted to drive on a long trip to try it out.  We went to Jamestown and Williamsburg to soak up some history while we were giving the car a spin.

If I remember correctly we enjoyed our historical jaunt so much we made the two or three years'  vacations in Virginia, Pennsylvania,  and Washington DC.

This is mostly about our time in Philadelphia.

Just outside of Philadelphia is Valley Forge.  This house was General George Washington's Winter Quarters during the Revolutionary War.

In Philadelphia's Historic is Benjamin Franklin's house space.  The house itself has long since been wiped away, but this frame represents the space Ben's house took up.

The Liberty Bell is in a glass enclosure slightly bigger than a bus stop on the same grounds as Independence Hall (in the background).  Yes, there is a Park Ranger there to educate you on the historical facts of the bell. 

Speaking of Independence Hall, where the Constitution was debated over by legislators - this is birth of our Nation.

This is the room where the Constitution was conceived. 

We were at Independence Hall on July the 4th.  We were lucky to hear invited speakers talk of the founding fathers.  The main speaker was Former President Jimmy Carter.

Of course, we were there early to get a good seat in the audience.  When we arrived very few people were there.  Our son Rocky walked up on the speakers' sitting platform and sat down in a chair and remained there.  In a short  time some dignitaries began to arrive, shaking hands with other dignitaries then sitting down.  Rocky remained sitting.
I truly do not remember if he stayed or got shooed off or what.  I think if he remained I would have broken my neck or something climbing a tree to get a good picture of him sitting there.  I cannot find a picture, so he apparently left his seat.

Our son Adam, in a little shady park next to Independence Hall learning to play his harmonica. 

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