
Tuesday, October 11, 2016

Waiting Room Chattering

I sat in a waiting room yesterday for two or three hours while Anna had surgery.  It was actually a sun room outside the waiting room.  It was away from the TV so I could read.  I think my face was medium rare when it was all over.

Also sitting there was a red headed lady that looked much like my late cousin Alice.  She looked like she really would prefer not to talk.  However, she did give me polite nod when I sat down, but went back her magazine.

I sat there and glanced at her when I turned a page. I thought that we probably have some things in common to talk about, we might know some same people.  A tough nut to crack.
Finally I said, "I think I should be on a rotisserie".  She laughed.  Then we talked and talked, then talked some more.  She was in the Navy, a dental technician stationed in Iceland,  she lived in New York, she owns her own business, and her live-in boyfriend, who is having a similar operation as Anna, by the same doctor, is her employee.  Her business is manufacturers' representative.  They live in Kennesaw. 

By pokes, jabs, hints, jokes, I came to the conclusion we are not related or have any common friends or acquaintances  (which is the first time that has happened).  But we carried on a lively conversation without hardly a thing in common.

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