
Thursday, February 04, 2016

Who's Sack of Dog Shit?

Yesterday we received  a neighborhood  newsletter about someone putting their dog's poop in a bag in her garbage container. 

I immediately felt I should talk my way out of it, even though I am innocent. 

The only time Willow's poop has gone in someone else container is when I was talking to a neighbor around the corner who was working in her yard and I was holding a bag of dog shit.  As we were talking she quickly snatched  it from my  hand and put it her garbage can.

As Anna read the letter I felt my face warm up like it was flushed.  GUILTY?  Nope.  Reason it warmed up is I would not be surprised if I am the number one suspect.   I rarely see anyone out walking their dog in our neighborhood except me.  I walk Willow very early before daylight.

I know of only two other people that walk their dogs regularly  but they don't go as far as the block the lady who is complaining live - neither do I.

There are a few others than walk their dogs I think  irregularly.
The lady said in the newsletter she is 71 years old and  she recently had a foot operation.  A neighbor helps by carrying and bringing up the garbage container.  Sometimes, there is a sack of dog poop in it, which she or the person helping her has to clean out.

What she is saying is STOP THAT!

One the other end of the street in question, about  5 or 6 blocks away in front of the house near the street is a sign like this:

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Anna wrote a comment to the neighborhood newsletter telling them that it wasn't me.  The lady that originated the letter, the one who received the poop said something like, "Anna I know you and Eddie!  I used to teach your son at Kincaid Grade School and we have a mutual friend.  I know Eddie wouldn't have done anything like that.?

Small world again.

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