
Wednesday, November 11, 2015

My Vets Free Food Adventure

Today some eateries in Marietta said Veterans could  eat and/or drink selected items on the menu.
I armed myself with my DD214 (released from active duty form)  that I thought I might flash it  in a restaurant or someplace to get free eats.
We went to Starbucks drive through.  On the squawk box I ordered a "free Veterans coffee".  He sounded happy to serve me, "certainly!" he said, "drive around."  I did and he gave me my free coffee.  I put a dollar in a glass see through cup sitting on the side of the window.  A nickel and a dime were already in the cup.  I think they let some of the money stay in there to inspire others to  contribute a tip also.  I think I heard to start off they the person serving usually puts a dollar or two of his own money, for the hint of it.  Someplace I heard that method of tip inspiration is called "priming the pump".
By the way, I also heard it was the company policy that employees were to turn tips down.
When he handed me my coffee I showed him my DD214.  He said, "What's that?"
"My discharge paper, proof I was in the service."
He said, "You are the first one to offer proof you were in the service this morning."
"Oh" I thought.

This evening we decided to go to Chick-Fil-a to cash in on my veteran status and maybe my good looks.  At Chic-Fil-a they offered  vets and their family certain items on the menu, which were #1, #5, and #7 if that means anything to you.  It was to start at 5pm.  We were line at 5:04pm.  There were about 6 or 7 cars in front of us.
We ordered.  While slowly going to the pickup window the apparent manager was out with a broom and dust pan  picking up loose used paper products.   I figured he was the apparent manager, because he was the manager at the Chick-Fil-a two miles down the road across from Sprayberry High School.   He did the same there, spending a lot of time in the parking lot with a broom and dust pan.  He got close to our car, and our window down  so he spoke. 
I spoke back and mentioned I have seen him a lots at the CF store I just mentioned.
He said he owns them both.
"Oh."  I thought.
At the window a friendly young man told us the amount of the purchase - please.  Anna and I both started talking, saying they are suppose to be free to vets.  He said more or less, we are wrong, they have no such policy.
We more or less said they did too, today.
Another young person, a teenager girl,  working near him heard the ruckus and nicely jumped on him, asking didn't he know today is special....  I'm not sure he believed her so she led him over to an older lady and had her tell him the same thing.
Somewhat embarrassed he continued with us, and said our food would be no charge.

We smugly  took our food and drove off.

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