
Monday, October 26, 2015


This past week I came across a person that I knew from high school.  He did not know me from recognition (remember, I'm invisible) but I recognized him, once he said his name. 
I introduced myself  and told him we were Facebook friends.  He was surprised.  He said, "You are THE EDDIE HUNTER?   I read your post every day."

Gulp!  I should have thanked him for giving me more responsibility.

Or I should have told him no I am not THE EDDIE HUNTER I am "a Eddie Hunter"... wait,  I mean "an Eddie Hunter".

THE EDDIE HUNTER is floating around in cyber space somewhere, and I don't mean me.

True,  I started my blog in 2005.  A couple years after that I got a heated e-mail from Eddie Hunter.  He said how dare I infringe on his right of using his name on my blog.  He said he was THE EDDIE HUNTER.

I wrote him back and said I was born Edwin T. Hunter, Jr., but was given the nick name Eddie at birth, which was in 1941.  "When did you get your name Eddie Hunter?"  I asked.

THE EDDIE HUNTER has not  answered back yet.

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