
Friday, September 04, 2015

The Hand-Off in Broad Daylight

With our point of contact we had discussed on the phone where to meet her to hand off our stuff.   We did not come out and say so but it was obvious we wanted to meet her in a well lit public area..  That way there would be no trouble.  And she probably felt the same.

What could be more well lit and public than a Plublix parking lot at 11:00am?

We arrived early and parked and waited.  While waiting I noticed a Cobb County Police car over to the side of the parking lot parked in front of two restaurants, a Mexican and a Chinese.   We watched another black Cobb County Police Car slowly cruise the parking lot and parked beside the first one.  Are they watching us?  Ready to come over and checked to see why we were sitting in the middle of the parking lot with no cars near us? 

Then another  Cobb County Police car came from another direction.

I felt my temperature rising.

We were waiting on a Buick.  She said she drove  a Buick.

Then a white Buick pulled up beside me and a red headed lady got out and looked at me and said, "Mr. Hunter, I believe you have something for me.."

We both got out of the truck and I handed over the stuff.  It was heavy so I put it in her trunk, looking nervously at the cluster of black Cobb County Police cars less than 200 feet away.

We successfully made the delivery without any trouble.


What I handed over to the lady was all the quarterly Cobb County Genealogical  Publications from the first one in 1979 to sometime in 2005 or 2006, probably about 100 quarterlies.

My late mother-in-law Marie was a charter Cobb County Genealogical Society member and she kept all the issues as long as she was a member.  As  I said many times Marie was a natural archivist (and organized hoarder).

Because I already had most of them, we donated them to the Society.  They are going to scan them all and have their quarterly library again and also use them for their genealogy classes they have as a money making project.

I think Marie would be proud that her collection is being put to good use.

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