
Wednesday, December 24, 2014

Invisibility Catching and Christmas Office Party

I hate to keep talking about my invisibility.  I would much rather say, "Look!  You can see me!"  That would make me much happier.
Now, I am wondering if my invisibility is contagious.  My mother-in-law may be becoming  invisible or nonexistent  too.   Last night at the dinner at the nursing home she was at the same table as we were, so she got shot-changed a plate of food to start off with too;.  But, in the long run we got fed, it just that it took a while for us, they ran out of paper plates. 
She will be getting out of the nursing/rehab home soon.  We will stay with her day and night to help her until we can get a qualified caretaker.
We feel we should make her house more TV/Internet friendly.   We called AT&T and lined up for a tech to come to her house and install a DSL line, which I think we should be able to get HBO and the Internet.  We agreed on the price and the tech was to come this morning in the window frame of between 8am and 11am.
I arrived at 8am and  stayed to noon.  The tech was a no-show, and as we said at the post office, a "No call".
We called AT&T and told them the whole story and they kept getting it mixed up, "Do you want DLS or some other word?"  We don't know their lingo, we just want it hooked up on the Internet.

When we told them my mother-in-law's number they told us there was no such number.  That is strange, she has had that same number since the 1950s and have paid her bill every month and they say there is no such number?  See, my invisibility is contagious!
Another thing that seemed confusing we told them the tech did not call us to cancel the appointment and  the lady asked were  we at the same number, which was bla bla bla.  We said we never heard of that number, our numbers were bla bla bla.  That confused her.
We wanted to know why he didn't call and she said they could not reach him to talk to him.  We said that is hard to believe that the company that is the master of the communications world cannot reach one of their field workers.  Does he have a phone?  


We first noticed that the lady had an accent, Indian (Far East), we thought).  Occasionally she hung up on us and we called her back.  Finally we mentioned that she hung up several times and she said she was actually checking on something and put us on hold.   The next time she just put the receiver down and we could hear back ground voices as she "check on something" or whatever.  A lot of people were all speaking a foreign language and sometimes  laughing and sometimes shouting or screaming.
We asked where were they? 
And she added it was their Christmas Day. 

Were we  interrupting a Christmas office party?

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