
Friday, December 26, 2014

Electronic Snobbery

I think sometimes we, as humans, are so self-centered, forget what is a luxury and what  is not.
The latest some asked for my 04 year old mother-in-law's cell phone number.  I doubt if you will find many 94 year olds with a cell phone  constantly near them.  My mother-in-law has one, but, as far as I can remember, never has used it.  She has it for emergencies.  But she does religiously keep it charged.
Years ago I ran into my cousin and he asked me did I have some new genealogy information.  I said yes and he asked me to FAX him  the information.  FAX?  I told him I didn't have a FAX machine, he looked at me unbelievable.

We are constantly being told some texted us some information.   We try to live frugal lives, believe it or not, and  texting cost more.  So we don't do it.  I don't know anything texting can do that an email message can't.

It reminds me several years ago my elderly neighbor (now deceased) and I were talking about the barbecue places in Marietta.  He had been to several and would like to know about more.  Then, not long after our conversation a local TV program was about Metro Atlanta's Barbecue joints.  I toped it with my VCR  then.  I carried the VHS tape over to my neighbor and I handed it to him.
He said, "Don't you have to have something to play that on?  I don't have anything like that."  In other words, he did not own a VCR Recorder/Player.

I looked at him "unbelievable "

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