
Tuesday, June 17, 2014


Some people think I am cheap and other people think I spend money needlessly.   I like to think we are frugal picking and choosing what to spend our money on.... it doesn't grow on trees you know.

One time I ran into a cousin in downtown Marietta and I told him of some new family research that I recently came across.  He said, "Great!  Fax to me!"

I told him I didn't own a fax machine.  He looked at me blankly, not knowing what to say, he probably thought everybody has a fax machine.

Another time more recently, a friend told me he was going to text me something.  I told him we didn't use text..... again the blank not knowing what to say look.

It reminds me once years ago, I talked to my elderly  neighbor Jim about the different barbecue restaurants in the area.  He seemed he wanted to know more about the barbecue joints so when I saw a special about BBQ places in metro Atlanta I taped it on our VCR recorder.  I carried the VHS test over to him.  He looked at it and said, "What's that?"
"A VCR tape on barbecue joints around here."
"I don't have a VCR machine, always thought it was a waste of money."

I looked at him blankly.

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