
Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Glover Park An't What It Used to Be

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This is a picture of the old Glover Park and the old Courthouse when they  were the Mecca of Cobb County residents, or the sight of them, anyway.  This picture was shared on Facebook by Davis McCollum's" Cobb County Grown" .  

I don't remember seeing this picture before, it is a good one.    It brings back memories of the way the park used to be.  

I walked across that park plenty of times getting to the Strand Theater.  It usually had more than a few drunks drinking from brown paper bags and a soap box preacher who was personally delivering the word of God - who he said he had  personally spoken to.  Sometimes, you might see some one behind a bush with both hands down to the front of his thigh area - care to guess what he was doing?   

You would see no Afro-Americans sitting in the park.  That was the stipulation when the park was deeded by the Glover family to be a public park, no blacks could sit in it.  How is that for "public"?  Later on when racial laws like that were stricken, a member of that family added an amendment or stipulation to unstipulate the racial stipulation to go with the times. 

Also, a taxi company's office was in the park.  True.  It had one employee, I think his name was Howard.  His office was a telephone hooked to a pole right across from the courthouse.  Howard was also known to make moonshine runs  for a  certain few.  Now, there is no need for moonshine or brown paper bags.  Yuppies sip wine and beer openly at summer concerts. 

Time changes.  Stick around and it will change again.  

Hey!  They had big goldfish with white spots in the pool at the base of the fountain too!

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