
Thursday, August 19, 2010

Where Were They When I Needed Them?

Memo outlined APS cheating response, strategy for Hall
By Alan Judd
The Atlanta Journal-Constitution
The region’s business leaders and Atlanta’s school superintendent together orchestrated the district’s investigation into alleged cheating on a state-mandated standardized test, a recently obtained memorandum indicates.
Atlanta Public Schools Superintendent Beverly Hall discussed the district's cheating scandal on Tuesday.

Sam Williams, president of the Metro Atlanta Chamber of Commerce, distributed the memo by e-mail on Feb. 26, outlining the steps the school district would take to respond to an emerging scandal about possible cheating on the Criterion-Referenced Competency Test, or CRCT. He wrote the memo about two weeks after the state released the findings of an audit that suggested possible cheating in 58 Atlanta schools. Questions also were being raised about Hall’s response to the scandal.

-Above from the AJCONLINE.COM yesterday.

Apparently, the Atlanta School administration was more concerned with statistics and the reflection on them than the actual facts.

What I want to know is where were all these teachers and principals when I was struggling with my grades, having to go to summer school and having to study like the dickens my last week in high school, doing a whole years work in one week? It just isn’t fair!

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