
Thursday, March 05, 2009

My Hunters Aunt, Uncles, and Father - an Uncle

I think this picture was taken about 1949 in Spencer and Bee Hunter Crain’s front yard on Garrison Road, on the hill overlooking Powder Springs Street. Garrison Road Apartments complex is on the property now, and has been for many years.

Here are the my father’s siblings and he is sandwiched almost in the middle. Daddy is the 4th one on the left, or 5th one on the right.

If his brother WC had came to this gathering Daddy would have five on each side.

Left to right: Dick, Stanley, Doug, Jack, Ed, Bus, Bee, Herbert. They are all dead now.

My sister once pointed out that in this picture they all are just about the same height. If WC had come the same-height rule would have been broken. WC was a short man, probably 5’5” or 5’6” – I think all his siblings were six feet or more.

WC’s nickname was Peanut. That makes sense.


  1. Anonymous7:26 AM

    It seems like it was only yesterday. I miss them all. They were so much fun to be around. To here their stories and to here their laughter, brings back a lot of memories and tears to the eye.

  2. Johnny,
    Yes - I get emotional when I think about any one of them.

    They were a positive bunch weren't they?

  3. Even for a stranger like me seeing this picture somehow peels back the years and makes one wonder of the time they lived in, and from what you say, the happy banter et al.

    I suppose family pictures does that to one, even family pictures of someone one has never known.

  4. Anil,
    Thank you. Families and humanity are all over this earth.


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