
Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Senator Alexander Stephens Clay Likeness

Man! What a nice head of hair. If I had a full head of hair like that I would want a statue of me in the park too!


  1. He did have a good mop. Started losing mine in my thirties. Growing bald is supposed to mean lots of testosterone, however.

  2. Si,
    I also started to lose mine in the late 20s and early 30s. I invested in a toupee which wasn't cheap. I got to rub elbows with some of the popular TV and radio personnel at the shop I went to in the hair drying room.
    I wore it for about 5 or 6 years thinking it gave my self-esteem a boost until I realized the only person it was fooling was me.

  3. Tommy Lee Jones wears one. I know because I saw him on tv a few years back at some award shin-dig, and he had no hair on top. I had to look three times before I realized it was him. So I would say that toupees DO fool some people. Maybe I should wear my specs more!

  4. Deborah,

    Anna and I were having lunch at some eatery last week and we noticed some guy wearing a baseball hat. We were wondering if he was bald. I know that is what I do most the time, but finally quit wearing ball caps in restaurants.


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