
Saturday, May 17, 2008

HU-4, DET 86, U.S.S. EDISTO AGB-2 OP DF-65

(click on photo to enlarge)

I have mucho photographs and genealogy papers and am trying to get in some kind of order. The I came across the an old photograph I didn’t know I had.. It is a detachment from my old Navy Helicopter Squadron, Helicopter Utility Squadron Four, or HU-4, for short, home base at NAS Lakehurst, NJ.

This picture was taken about 1964,, about 44 years ago. I suppose some of these men are dead by now. I recognized the faces of all but a couple, and knew the names by sight of only three of them. One named Montgomery was trouble – he was always getting into trouble.. I remembered one of the officers to be the typical officer, who didn’t know much, but he did know enlisted people were suppose to salute him – which they rarely did – which confused him, didn’t they know he was better than they were?

Also, one of the men’s name was Moody. Moody was a very likable easy going guy. A career man, or a “lifer”. I ran into again a couple years later at NAS Yuma, Arizona, at a two week reserves’ training. I wished I knew then what I knew now about my family history – one of my ancestor’s maiden name was Moody. I could have pumped him full of questions.

On the back are their names and what ship they were a detachment to. For posterity on the back, is written: HU-4, DET 86, U.S.S. EDISTO AGB-2 OP DF-65, and their names.

I emailed the picture and the back of the picture to my Navy friend Reuben who has his interesting blog, he is a retired teacher in Thailand who has some very interesting observances of the traditions and eccentricities of the people of the area.

He wrote back saying that was a Coast Guard ship, but he didn’t remember the people.

I wonder how I came in possession of this picture?
I am hoping one of these men might run a google on HU-4, USS EDISTO and come across this picture and bring back a rush of memories so I can justify my possession of the picture…. In other words, this posting is all about my greed.


  1. Anonymous11:42 AM

    My Grandfather, CDR N.E. Nickerson was the Skpper of the USS Edisto from 1963-1965 for that operation. He passed away 2-1/2 years ago.

  2. Anonymous6:54 AM

    I'm in that picture, Ltjg. Robert F. Reitmeyer, one of the pilots. Charles E. Moorehead was the Officer in Charge plus Wayne Bauer and Joe Strano. We were all Ltjgs. Moody was the chief mechanic. Have a cruise book up stairs with the other names.

  3. RFR,
    I remember you. You are on the second row, the second from the left.
    Speaking of the chief mechanic Moody, I ran into him a couple years later at the Marie Air Station in Yuma, Arizona. I was on my two week reserve thing.
    I was in HU-4 at Lakehurst from Sept 1963 to July 1965. I worked in the Information and Education Office (I&E). Our division officer, most of the time was Chet Whitehurst.

  4. RFR,
    Also, I see Montgomery in the picture. I bet you earned your officer's pay overseeing him!

  5. ET,,I remember Chet Whitehurst. Yes Montgomery was a problem but not a big one. Since all of the others were good,,it was a good crew.
    Funny story about Montgomery. We stopped in Panama for 3 days on the way down after going thru the canal. The Helo detachment flew off to stay at Albrook AFB. The O in C gave him a phone number to the nearby Navy base to arrange a vehicle or two for us. The chief asked him what he wanted. Montgomery didn't know what to say so the chief suggested a car for the officers and a truck for the enlisted. Montgomery said yep! And that is what we got to use for 3 days.

  6. RFR.
    I bet Montgomery is still causing people to raise their eyebrows.
    Moody. About two years after I was out, about 1967, I was on my two week reserve training at the Marine Air Station in Yuma, Arizona, and when we were loading our plane to return back to NAS Atlanta the driver of the tram (if that is what you call them) was Moody. He remembered me and we talked... very nice guy. Later I got into genealogy and discovered Moody was one of my ancestors' surnames.... I wish I had known it when I knew Moody.
    I kept up with Don Lash, Dick Day, Chet Whitehurst, Sam Kaskue, and Reuben Collier for about ten years after we parted. We all were personnel of the office force. I still communicate with Reuben Collier.. and once in the early 70s Chet Whitehurst stayed with my wife and I while looking for a job in Atlanta.

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. I was also in the picture. I remember being with Lt. Reitmeyer picking up mail off the coast of Chile and putting on an air show prior to landing.

  9. I'm glad y'all found this picture!

  10. Jerry Nally here from HU-4 Flight crew photo. I am in the top row,left. This was taken in the Pacific by ships photog on OP DF 65 On Uss Edisto.

    Top row: Jerry Nally AMS3,Thomas MontgomeryADRAN,LTJG C Moorehead.

    Mid row:Larry Mcghee ADR2, Ltjg Bob Reitmeyer, William MoodyADR2, Michael MelaconADRAN.

    Kneeling: Ltjg Wayne Bauer (deceased). Darryl Kay ADR3, Ltjg Joseph Strano,Neale Ellsworth AMH3,Fredrick Whalen AN.

    This was a great cruise under Capt Nickerson, alot of great adventures.

    Jerry Nally
    Scarsdale NY 5 August 2009

  11. Jerry,
    Thank you. I remember seeing you around the HU-4 Hangar. I worked in I&E (Information & Education).

    Montgomery caused me some trouble once, but that is water under the bridge.

  12. Try Melancon trying to tuck an M-14 rifle in the Boom of our Helicopter after shooting 55 gallon drums at sea. A few of us had to conveince him that really wasn't to smart, it took a while though. Have some great cruise photos.

    Jerry Nally

  13. Share your pictures!

  14. If the date of 1964 is correct, then my database shows the CH-19E to be Bureau Number 130149. The Navy Aircraft History card for this Sikorsky shows it aboard Edisto with HU-4, Det 86 from 12/6/64 to 1/2/65. There are a couple of photos of the aircraft on my website at:

    Always looking for photographs of Sikorsky HRS/CH-19 aircraft. Thanks for sharing this one and thanks to all of you for your service!


  15. Anonymous6:59 PM

    Eddie: Thanks for the memories.After the cruise I went on recruiting duty in New Orleans from 65 to Jan 70. I never made it to Yuma. Are you going to the reunion? I'm going to give it the ole college try.I sure would like to see all the crew again. From NOLA I went to Cubi Point RPI. While there I ran into Mr. Bauer. He had made LTCDR.

  16. My Dad served aboard the USS Edisto. There is a great website here


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