
Friday, April 25, 2008

Dick Hunter's Family

This is actually a type of the postcard. On the flip side, it says something like VOTE FOR DICK HUNTER FOR MAYOR OF MARIETTA.

The side we are looking at is my late uncle Dick Hunter and his big family. He and his wife Jeannette had twelve children.

I can not imagine living within a such a big family continuously minute by minute interacting with 13 immediate kin.

I think each of them keeps an active interest in each other and knows the latest of their mother and siblings. They did have a soft ball team that they all met and played or practiced often, well, as often as softball team would. I don’t know if they still have the team or not.

As I grew older with a family of my own I didn’t run into them as often as I did in my formative years, and when the three youngest boys sprouted into adulthood I had no idea of their faces, personality, height, or anything.

Once, after a walk downtown one Saturday morning Anna and I went to La Peep Restaurant on the Square for breakfast. There were a few people in the waiting area. The hostess said it would not be a long wait, so we put out names in.

We chatted with a young couple while waiting. We chatted about little nothings like the weather and so on. I learned long ago not to talk politics or religion is people you don’t know.

Then the hostess said, “Hunter, party of two.”

And all four of us stood up.

Of course, it was one of Dick’s sons.

That action pretty much is self explanatory


  1. Anonymous9:07 AM

    I ran into Aunt Jennett in March when I was passing thru town and she told me that the softball team is starting up again this year. If it happens, then there will be son's, daughter's, grand children and great grandchildren on the team. When we were young and our family would go vist as soon as my brother and I entered the door we had to fight for our lives from the time we got there until we left. It was one for all and all for one. It was very exausting but we had fun.

  2. Johnny,
    I bet!
    That was a different world.


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