
Monday, February 04, 2008

Marietta City Cemetery

This is the Marietta City Cemetery, aka Citizens Cemetery. I don’t know if it is the oldest and I don’t know if it is the largest, but it is probably the largest among the older cemeteries.

It was just a few blocks from where I grew up and was right behind a friend’s house. We would often walk out to the cemetery and talk about worldly things, such as girls.

The cemetery has some old markers and some very old trees – together, they look creepy like scary old cemeteries are supposed to look like.

Deborah Wilson's Corridors blog, she has some great pictures of the same cemetery. I am not trying to compete with her pictures, I know better, she would win. These are just some more pictures of my never-ending taking pictures in cemeteries.

This is the Boston plot. They are distantly relatives of mine through the Trammells.

The Kuykdendalls of this plot Anna and I both are related to, even if we weren’t married.

The Manget plot has an interested bunch of people lying there: Missionaries to China and other worldly places doing worldly things. The markers got my attention because my father lived on Manget Street when he was growing up and later I did too.

A couple years ago in the magazine “Back Roads of Georgia” in the letter to the editor a man with the surname Manget commented on an article that was in the mag about Marietta and he mentioned that he lived in Marietta. Just for the heck of it I googled him and he was an officer in the accounting and finance department of the CIA who was quoted a lot. My my, still worldly.

I like Clyde Mitchell’s epitaph.

Of course, anytime I come across a marker that has the same surname I am interested in a take a picture of it, just in case later I come across information that we are related. In this case, I am interested in the Petty surname.

Mary Phagan’s grave. Her murder has inspired and generated at least a dozen books.

Steadman Sanford was a man of education. At the University of Georgia he was over the school of Journalism, then president, then chancellor. The UGA stadium in Athens is named in his honor.

The Trammells are distant relatives and the whole family has held my fascination for over 30 years.

Ervin Tyson was my great grandfather’s brother. He married twice. I don't know where the other other wife is buried.

A couple of weeks ago I went to this cemetery to look for an old friend, Van Carl Callaway’s grave but could not find it. I know his body is there because I was there when his body was put in the ground. And I went back months later and took a picture of his marker. He is buried next to his parents. But, because of my complex filing system, I must have filed the picture out of existence. Oh well, I’ll try again, some.

I wished I had taken some pictures of the slaves graves near the edge of the Confederate Cemetery, which is adjacent to this cemetery - but again, maybe next time.

Below are some general over-all pictures I snapped while visiting over the years.


  1. Hi..I wanted to say thanks for stopping by my blog (via Carolyn's) and I thought I would return the gesture. This is a very interesting daughter is soon to be 16 and quite the aspiring photographer (wants to study it in college as well). She has photographed a few cemetaries (mostly trying to see what the "orb" thing was all about, but didn't get any..LOL) I was wondering if you had captured any "strange" things on any of your cemetary pics?? Hope to hear from you again sometime...

  2. Kat Woman,
    Thanks for dropping by.
    No... I haven't. But Joni of Marietta Ghost Tours has:

  3. Eddie,

    God I love that cememtery! For me it represents the character of the old south - the old tombstones are so beautiful. And it is so full of history. But because the City and Confederate cemeteries join, I never refer to it as the city cemetery (on that side), but consider the whole thing the Confederate Cemetery, as that is how my family and friends always refered to it.

    You did a good post here and have some great pictures, now I know more about some of the people who are buried there. Look for me to spotlight this post on my blog later tonight or tomorrow and put it under the labels Spotlight, Historical and Marietta.

    I had to take a big unexpected break this week, Tech is winding down, so I had to prepare for the last few stretches (classes). Took some pics while I was there yesterday and also of around Smyrna.

  4. Deborah,
    Tech can be a very photogenic place. We found a new (to us) restaurant, near there on 14th Street that has a lot of character. It is a man and woman's name, the woman is named June and I forgot what the man's name is.
    Smyrna is also has some photo ops. Have you been to the history museum. Across the street Anna and I like to eat at Atkins Park.
    Thanks in for planning to spotlight the cemetery post. You are right, it does represent the old south. You can go pick a row, any row, and just about come across markers that are names of local streets... Gramling comes to mind.


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