
Thursday, January 17, 2008


I see LOL a lot on emails and comments to blogs and such. It took me a while to get it. LOL means “Laughing Out Loud!” …. First I wondered if it means “Lots of Love” or maybe for the “Love or Life”… nah, they didn’t fit the situation – but Laughing Out Loud would fit in with their comments.

Maybe the reason it took me a while to get it is that I don’t normally laugh out loud. Anna will see something in the paper she feels is funny and share it will me and I usually smile, make a grunt, nod my head, and go back to what I was doing. I rarely laugh out loud.

However, I do smile when I think something is funny. So, maybe I should put S instead of LOL. Then again, sometimes, if something funny takes me by surprise I might let out a breath or a loud sigh, which is sort of like a “smile out loud”. Maybe I should put SOL. But then again, they might think I am saying “Shit Out of Luck!”


  1. Some people put < G > for a grin, or < VBG > for the obvious. Those of us who frequently laugh out loud put 'Whahahahahahaha' or ROFLOL when something is so funny that LOL isn't enough.

    < Smile > might clearly designate your emotion.

  2. Jean,

    GUCHV! (that is giggling uncontrollably and Hyperventilating)

  3. It would be easier to remember if it was GUCCHI

    Giggling Uncontrollably, Cackling, Coughing and Hyperventilating Incontinently.

    -- I can make them up, I can't remember what the initials stand for. Actually I think the pocketbook people are Gucci.

  4. Jean,

    Incontinently? I wonder how....? Never mind!

  5. LOL to all of it!


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