
Monday, December 17, 2007

Dickie Thomas

I received a mass-sent email from a high school classmate saying that another one of us has died. Dickie Thomas had several illnesses that he had been fighting for the past several years the letter email said.

I have not seen Dickie since high school but I remember he was a very nice person. During the time I knew him I don’t think he thought any harm on anybody.

I remember once in the ‘50s he bought a red Impala. It looked sharp, well, it was sharp. He one time drove it up to Victoria Landing at Allatoona where the houseboat was docked. I don’t remember the details but for some reason he and some more friends left and were to return shortly.

He parked his red car in front of a slope hill that ran down into the lake.

We were talking and we heard a big SPLASH!! We looked around and there it was sitting on top of the water – for a second. Then it sunk head first. Only the back bumper was still above water.

A wrecker pulled it out and the mishap even made the newspaper, but I don’t remember what happened after that. I hope that was Dickie’s bad luck thing to have happened – and after he got that out of the way, by the law of averages, he was in line for years of good luck.

The bad-news email told me Dickie was one of the coaches that took the East Cobb Little League team and won the Little League World Series in 1983.

Rest in peace.


  1. Eddie,

    Do you recognize him in the 1983 team photo on this page?

    They have a coach identified as Thomas Dickie, not Dickie Thomas.

    Either way, he sounds like he was a good man. RIP.

  2. Chris,
    I couldn't tell one way or the other.
    I think the print must be wrong because the person that sent it to me went to his "celebration of life" thing the other night and I think that is where he came up with that tidbit.


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